Ninja costumes are either inspired by the Japanese covert agents, or by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The more traditional ones are usually black, and may include a hood or a face mask. The turtle models are obviously green with yellow or gold. Whatever type you choose, it is a good idea to get some accessories to make the costume complete: some kind of weapon like a plastic sword or some toy nunchuks should do nicely.
Womens ninja Halloween costume:
Womens ninja Halloween costume pictured:
1- Nickelodeon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leonardo Costume
2- Sexy Ninja Costume – Womens 4-10
3- Nickelodeon Plus-Size Ninja Turtles Raphael Dress, Green, Plus Costume
4- Leg Avenue Costumes 4Pc. Deadly Ninja Catsuit Waist Sash Arm Warmers Mask Wraps
Womens ninja Halloween costume
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