Toy ninja sword

Whether for Halloween or casual play-time, a ninja costume is a very cool outfit that kids love. Along with a black ninja costume, you need the extras that make play-time more fun. Plastic toy replicas, like ninja swords, daggers, shooting stars and nunchuks can add a playful realism to their imaginative role playing. And even though the toys are made of plastic, you still might want to provide adult supervision to make sure the action doesn’t get out of hand.
Toy ninja sword:
Toy ninja sword
Toy ninja sword pictured:
Left: Deluxe Ninja LED Light up Sword with Motion Activated Clanging Sounds
Right: Ninja Double Sword Set

Some toy swords light up and make noises, which is sure to be appealing to your kids. But make sure these are sturdy, and that the battery compartments close tightly, so that they don’t fall out while the kids are playing.

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