Whether you are celebrating the annual Oktoberfest from late September to the first week of October, or you are looking to dress up in Oktoberfest regalia for Halloween, an Oktoberfest costume for men is the celebration of hard working rural farmers and peasants of Austria and Germany past and present. Leather shorts or lederhosen and suspenders, along with a pullover shirt with lace-up collar, knee socks and an Oktoberfest hat is all that you need to look the part. Needless to say, a stein of beer is as much a part of the Oktoberfest costume as is the lederhosen and hat.
Oktoberfest costume for men:
Oktoberfest costumes for men pictured:
Left: Hansel Lederhosen Costume
Middle: Adult Miss Oktoberbreast Costume (Standard)
Right: In Character Costumes, Men’s Bavarian Guy Costume with Pullover Shirt
Oktoberfest costume for men
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