Mens white dress pants

Usually, men wear white pants in the summer, either as casual wear or as part of a white suit. The idea is that white reflects more light than dark colors, and so it should make you cooler. But don’t forget that another factor is at play: the fabric used. Wool pants for example tend to be thicker and heavier than cotton, cotton blends or polyester pants. And so white or not, they may end up too hot to wear in the sun for extended periods.
Mens white dress pants:
Mens white dress pants
Mens white dress pants pictured:
Left: Cubavera Men’s Linen-Cotton Herringbone-Textured Pant
Middle: Mens Slim Fit Flat Front Straight Waisted Two-Tone Patched Dress Pants
Right: Dockers Men’s Signature Khaki D3 Classic Fit Flat Front Pant

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