Kids ride-on police car

If you want to give your child or grandchild a gift they’ll remember for a long time, a ride-on police car should do the trick nicely. A ride-on police car is like driving a real police car for a kid as they can go up to 5 MPH. Look for models with doors that open so they can easily sit down and steer. There are also police siren sound effects, flashing police lights and even a working megaphone PA system. One thing to keep in mind though is that this car is relatively large and not really geared for indoor use, unless of course you have a huge basement or play room. Otherwise, it’s best driven outdoors in your backyard.
Kids ride-on police car:

Kids ride on police cars pictured:
Top: Kid Trax Charger Police Car 12V
Bottom: Avigo 12 Volt Dodge Charger Police Ride On – S.W.A.T Edition

These are powered by rechargeable batteries, so make sure the car is charged up before your children play with it, or they may be in for a disappointment. Also, adult supervision is recommended. These cars are not made to go fast, but you still want to keep an eye on your kids when they are riding in these.

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