Decorative dried birch tree branches

If you are looking to add a natural element to your living space, dried birch tree branches may just be the thing your are looking for. These decorative tree branches can be used in a variety of ways, such as centerpieces for your dining or living room table, or in a vase, placed nicely in a doorway entry space. And while you can buy these branches Au-naturel, you can also find them in a glittery silver or gold color, as well as painted white, frosty or decorated with ice crystals.
Decorative dried birch tree branches:
Decorative dried birch tree branches
Decorative dried birch tree branches pictured:
Left: 3-4′ Natural Birch Branchs
Middle: Natural Birch Pole (Set of 5)
Right: Small Birch Branches 2-3 Feet Tall, Pack of 18 – Natural

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