Battery powered bass amp

When you’re thinking about buying your young son or daughter their first electric bass guitar, you may not know where to begin. Your first step should be a local music store. Speak with the clerks there to see what is a decent bass guitar and amp for beginners. Chances are, they will direct you to a combo package that features a good quality bass guitar, a battery powered bass amp, a strap for the bass, an electric tuner and patch cords to plug the bass into the amp. Eventually, your child may wish to upgrade these items, but when they are just starting out, this package fits all their needs.
Battery powered bass amp:
Battery powered bass amp
Battery powered bass amps pictured:
Left: Pignose 7-300 HOG-30 Amplifier
Right: Roland Micro Cube Bass RX 4×4″ Bass Combo Amplifier

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